Flat track racing in Scandinavia

Interested in flat track? You are at the perfect place then. Either you just started or did not yet got the chance or knowledge how, where and when.

Best way to start is just to get in touch with a local club, who is organising practice and even events. In some citys they even put up flat track schools once or twice a year. In Sweden, Norway and Finland there are different opportunitys.

Kristiansand speedway track Morten Kløvfjell
Grenland Flat Track Skien Sven-Eigil Laukelid
Vinsvoll Flat track Gunnar Solvang, Nicki Twang
Lunner Speedway track Oslo Bernt Sveen

Gnistorna speedway track Malmö Søren Teil Hansen
Vetlanda Motorsällskap Flat track Conny Ivarsson, Mia Kristoffersson
Vikingarna speedway Örebro Åke Jansson, Mikael Sjöwall
Nässjö speedway track Jimmy Jonsson, Martin Trofast

Huddinge, Lindesberg, Linköping, Gävle and Östersund has riders, but not any organized activity, yet…

Hyvinkää Speedway Jukka-Pekka Purtilo

To be able to try you need a bike of course but almost anyone will work fine. Most tracks demands that you dismount your front brake grip and no tyres with knobblies or spikes allowed. You also need at least a “try-out-license” to have an insurance if you are on the throttle too hard. You can most likely buy the licenses on-line just ask people at the track you are attending and they will help you out.

Get in touch with a track close to you and talk to them. Its a very welcoming environment and no questions are wrong.

A warning though: Once you tried it the only question remaining is why you didn’t start earlier…